
Are you ready to turn into Ironman (or Woman) Naturally?

Easy Fixes to your Diet to Reverse Iron Deficiency


Iron deficiency aka Anemia is a serious issue affecting millions of women all over the world. While iron levels can fall low for men too, the problem is more common in women. This is because women routinely lose blood monthly, during their periods, thereby depleting our reserves of iron in the body. 


Iron deficiency can occur in children too. And, it can severely impact their growth and development. And, pregnant women often find themselves anemic, as the body absorbs this vital nutrient to nourish the placenta and the growing baby. 


Wondering if you’re low in iron? 

Here are a few signs to look out for: pale skin, brittle nails, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, frequent infections, chest pain, headaches, cold extremities, soreness of tongue, loss of appetite, restless legs syndrome (a feeling of crawling and tingling in legs), unusual craving for not edibles like dirt, ice, starch, etc. 


The best way to check for iron deficiency is with a simple hemoglobin test that checks the iron levels in one’s blood. If you suspect that you’re anemic, ask your doctor for a serum ferritin test as well. This corrects the iron stores in your body, apart from that in the blood.


Luckily, you can increase your body’s iron levels naturally, by making a few modifications to your daily diet.

Here are a few natural ways to Boost your body’s Iron Supply

1. Don’t forget Vitamin C 

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) plays a crucial role in helping your body absorb iron from the food you take. Eating foods rich in vitamin C is essential to reverse an iron deficiency and prevent it from reoccurring. Citric foods like oranges, tangerines, mandarins, lemons, and limes are rich sources of vitamin C. on the spicier side; add yellow and red bell peppers to your meals for a generous dose of ascorbic acid.


Additionally, increasing your levels of vitamin C helps you ward of flu, cold and other infections that occur as a result of your weakened immune system, caused by anemia. 

Think of it like this way – Vitamin C fortifies you from within as well as increasing your body’s ability to absorb iron.


2.Take Yogurt with Turmeric

This is one excellent natural remedy if you’re suffering from Kapha-type anemia. In this type, a person experiences cold and clammy skin along with swelling. Take a cup of yogurt, 2-3 times a day along with a teaspoon of turmeric to balance the Kapha dosha in your body.


3. Go Green

Include plenty of green, leafy vegetables in your diet. The chlorophyll (the substance that’s responsible for the green color of the leaves) is rich in iron. Some foods to include in your diet include spinach (all types), curry leaves, broccoli, mustard greens, celery, etc. However, remember to cook your spinach as fresh leaves contain a substance called as oxalic acid that prevents the absorption of iron in the body.


4. Drink Up

Beetroot and pomegranate are other rich sources of iron. Beetroots are excellent sources of folic acid, and it’s best to consume them with carrots and apples. Pomegranates are not only rich in iron, but also provide you with other essential minerals like potassium and copper. When taken regularly, both beet and pomegranate juices not only build your blood but also act as blood purifiers. 

What more, they give you instant energy, making you feel healthy and active.


5. Give a Copper Twist to your Water

This is an age-old remedy. Store water in a copper pot overnight and drink a cup of this water first thing every morning. Water stored in copper helps in replenishing natural minerals in your body, including iron. This is an excellent treatment for those suffering from extreme hair loss due to anemia. Today, you can easily pick up copper water bottles at several online marketplaces. 


6. Open it Sesame 

Black Sesame seeds are another excellent source of iron. Soak a handful of seeds in water for around two to three hours and then grind into a paste. Mix a teaspoon of honey with this mixture and have it daily to increase iron levels.


7. Have a date with a Date

Dates and raisins are tasty snacks for those suffering from anemia. Both these dry fruits are not only rich in iron, but also vitamin C. This ensures that your body can quickly absorb iron from these. Pop a handful of raisins or a couple of dates as a mid-morning snack to boost iron levels as well as to give you instant energy.


8. Steam Veggies

Do you have a habit of frying vegetables in oil? When you fry veggies, they denature quickly making them lose out their essential nutrients. Instead, the best way to consume your veggies is by steaming them. Just add a bit of seasoning, and you’re good to go. Steaming is the best way to ensure that you’re getting all the nutrients from your veggies.


9. Heal your Digestive Tract

Iron takes a long time and requires plenty of hydrochloric acid in your intestines, to be digested. So, it’s essential that you take care of your digestive tract while increasing your iron intake. Take plenty of fibrous and probiotic foods to boost digestion.


10. Cook on a Cast Iron Pan

This is a bonus way to add iron to your meals. When you cook on iron cookware, it adds a significant amount of iron to your meals. The longer the food stays in the pan, the higher the amount of iron gets into the food.

Pump Iron into your Body with these Natural Remedies

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