
Effective Yoga Asanas For Shedding Extra Weight

Derived from the word ‘Yuj’, Yoga literally stands for the union of the inner consciousness of human being with the universal consciousness. It has been continuously enhancing the human life by bringing about remarkable changes from centuries. Our hectic lifestyle and unhealthy food habits have resulted in an unhealthy body. The craving for the junk food and improper diet, lack of exercise, workload etc. has resulted in excessive weight gain and obesity as the most common problems for all age groups. Losing weight and staying in shape is what we all aspire for, not only to stay healthy but to live a stress free happy life.


Here we are mentioning few yogasanas that will help you lose weight and getting a toned body and flat tummy.


Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

One of the best asanas for cutting out fat from stomach and abdomen thereby making body toned and muscles strong. It helps in making the digestion strong. To do this lie down on your back by folding your knees keeping in mind that your knees and ankles should be in a straight line. Place your arms by your side and inhale slowly by lifting your back off the floor and touch your chest with chin. In this position one would feel the weight of their body on shoulders, feet and arms. Hold this position for 30sec to 1 min at least while breathing normally. Slowly exhale and come back again to the starting position. Try to repeat this for 5-6 times.


Veerabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

It is another effective yogasana for weight loss. It also helps in strengthening the arms, shoulders, thighs, calves and stretches your chest, lungs and belly, and has proven beneficial in case of frozen shoulder and improves balance in the body. To do this stand straight with your legs at least 3-4 feet apart and turn your left foot in by 15 degrees and right foot out by 90 degrees and bend your right knee in a way that your right thigh should be parallel to the floor. Now raise your hands sideways and make sure that they are also parallel to the floor and look towards right. Make sure that your knee should not go beyond the ankle. Hold your body in the same position for at least 30 sec to 1 min and return back to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side and for 4-5 times on both sides.


Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

The Utkatasana or Chair Pose is one of the best asanas for thighs that helps in toning and bringing your hips, back, and chest in shape along with strengthening knees, lower back and torso. For doing, it you have to stand straight and inhale while stretching the hands up in the air. Then bend your knees and go down a little assuming that you are sitting on a chair. Stay in this position for at least 45-60 sec and then return to the starting position. Start with at least ten times every day and then gradually you can increase the number.


Naukasana (Boat Pose)

In this yogasana, our whole body takes the shape of a boat that is why it is called Naukasana. It is beneficial for reducing weight as it helps in cutting down the belly fat, strengthening back muscles, providing relief from stress, maintaining sugar level, improving the functioning of kidney etc. To do this lie down on your back with your arms besides your body. Now inhale slowly, start lifting your chest, legs and arms off the ground and stretch your arms towards your feet. Keeps your legs straight maintaining 45 degrees angle. While, in this position you will feel weight around your naval area. Try holding your breadth and remain in the same position for 10-20 sec. Come back to the ground slowly while exhaling. One may repeat any number of times depending upon their capacity.


Pavanmuktasana (Wind-releasing Pose)

Pavanamuktasana or Wind-Releasing Pose is a lie down posture that is suitable for all. This pose helps in releasing digestive gases from the intestine and stomach with no difficulty. The name comes from the Sanskrit words pavan meaning “wind”, mukta meaning “relieve” and asana meaning “posture”. This pose is beneficial in stimulating the abdominal organs that helps to increase their efficiency and improving digestion. It also reduces constipation and aids in reducing fat from abdominal area. For doing it, lie flat with straight back on a smooth surface, ensuring that both feet are together and arms are placed close to body. Then take a deep breath and as you exhale, bring your knees towards chest, and press thighs on your abdomen. Grasp your hands around your legs as if you are hugging the knees. Hold the asana while you breathe normally. Whenever you exhale just make sure that you tighten the grip of the hands on the knee, and increase the pressure on your chest. Every time you inhale, make sure to loosen the grip. Exhale and release the pose after doing it for three to five times. Take rest.


Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

In this yoga posture, our body pose look like the shape of the Dhanush and that’s why it has been named as Dhanurasana. This asana helps in reducing belly fat fast and strengthens ankles, thighs, chest and abdominal organs and spinal cord. It also improves digestion and appetite and helps to cure constipation. For doing this you are supposed to lie down on the floor with your belly touching the ground. While resting your hands beside your torso and palms facing up, exhale and bend your knees in such a way that your heels are close to your buttocks. Then, take your hands back and hold onto your ankles and ensure that your knees are just hip-width apart. Inhale and raise your heels away from your buttocks, at the same time simultaneously lifting your thighs away from the floor. Press your shoulder blades against your back and open your chest. Look straight while making sure that you don’t stop breathing. Hold this position for about 20 seconds before returning to the initial position as you exhale. Rest for few seconds.


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

The meaning of Bhujang is cobra and asana stands for yoga pose. This asana resembles a serpent with its hood raised that’s why known as Cobra Pose. It is the stretching yoga exercise of the front torso and the spine. It is one of the most important back bending yoga asana, which provides various health benefits ranging from head to feet. Be sure to keep your stomach and bowel empty before you practice this asana. For performing this asana, first lie down on your stomach by keeping your legs together. Make a gap of 1-2 feet between the legs if somebody has backache. Then, put your palms besides your shoulder and the head should rest on the ground. As you inhale, raise your head up to your navel region and try to see the roof. Maintain the same position for 10 to 60 seconds with gradually inhaling and exhaling. Come to the original position slowly with deep breath. Repeat the process for 3 to 5 times.


So, try out these few asanas(poses) for reducing your belly, thigh, hips fat etc. and get a perfectly toned body. Besides bringing your body back in shape and shedding out those extra pounds, they also help in proper functioning of various body parts. This will help you achieve the optimal holistic health over time. Needless to say that you need to listen to your body while trying out these exercises. Stretch your body as far as it can go. Stop when it says it can’t. You will gradually see your flexibility and strength improve. Like any other exercise formats, please do these under supervision if you are trying them out for the first time.

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