Employee Wellness
Are Your Health & Wellness Initiatives Truly Delivering Measurable Results?
A 2018 study done by ASSOCHAM India claimed that for every rupee spent on employee wellness program, the employers saved Rs.132 on absenteeism and at least Rs. 6.6 on employee healthcare costs. A saving of ~Rs.140 for every rupee spent! But just spending more doesn’t necessarily give better results. Our time, effort and money has to be focused on things that give the highest return on investment.

Most of the Health & Wellness Workshops running across the organizations today tend to focus on spreading awareness and developing mindfulness among the employee group with regards to their health. Diagnostic tests are facilitated to catch health issues in time. Physical exercise routines are provided on campus to make it easier for people to work out. Health talks are arranged to educate individuals about different aspects of health management. Nutritionists, physicians and counsellors are made available for regular consultation, timely treatment and medication. However, more often than not, most of these initiatives run in silos and as such it is difficult for an organization to measure the effectiveness of the combined offering and get tangible, quantifiable results in terms of improved employee health.
Are You Ready For The Next Gen Employee Health & Wellness?
A study done by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in 2017 ascertained that poor lifestyle choices and resultant diseases are the primary cause of deaths globally. Due to advancements in medical science and technology, people today are living longer than before. At the same time, they are falling sick at a younger age than ever before. This burden of disease and sickness is carried by an individual through most of their lives. Medications, regular tests, ongoing supplements, medical consultations, hospitalizations, and insurance premiums increase, while our quality of life suffers as age progresses.

Most of the efforts around employee health help them catch and manage the sickness through their life, while provisioning for their own medical care and sustenance of their family when that management does not prove to be enough. Have you ever wondered why Life Insurance is called Life Insurance? The nomenclature is factually incorrect as it is a Death Insurance. Health Insurance today also comes into effect when you are already sick and hospitalized. A true Health Insurance should focus on improving one’s quality and quantity of life while one is still alive. It should help people beat diseases, while reclaiming their health and vitality. For the trendsetters in the Employee Health & Wellness domain, it is time to shift focus from just reactive ‘Sick Care’ to proactive ‘Health Care’.
Why Us?

NatureHealz runs Employee Health Transformation Programs for companies that truly believe in the merits of the philosophy around Employee Health & Wellness and want to play an active role in the journey of recovery and healing of their workforce. We work hand-in-hand with the organizations to deliver specific, measurable results at an individual as well at a company level. We don’t just tell people what they need to do, we partner with them to reach their goal of being healthy, fit, and disease-free.
How Do We Do it?
The holistic treatment helps with physical, mental as well as emotional wellbeing as we treat and heal the body as a microcosm and use the regenerative power of the body to heal itself. At the end of the program the blood works are done again, the BMI is recalculated, and individual satisfaction levels are captured through a structured feedback process. The before-after on all measurable parameters is there for everyone to see. The habits and mindsets shift. The employee becomes healthy once again.
Please note that no medicines (herbal or otherwise) are given as a part of our treatment programs. Hence, there is no question of medicinal side-effects. At the same time, we never ask anyone to stop their existing medication. Your own doctors taper off and stop your existing medications on the basis of your blood tests and other diagnostic results over a course of time. These programs can be followed in parallel to any line of treatment that a person is undergoing at a given point in time. A maintenance plan is given at the end of the treatment period. An adherence of 80% or above to the plan ensures that the health issues never resurface in the future.

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