
Get Your Sunshine Vitamin from Nature

Are you getting enough of Vitamin D? Probably not! 


Fear of premature ageing, tanning, skin cancer and other skin related issues have blocked us from receiving nature’s energy. Sadly, most of us now avoid going out in the sun, thereby hindering our body’s ability to produce this vitamin the natural way. Furthermore, an increase in sedentary lifestyles, time spent indoors in front of screens, and along with our vigilant use of sunscreens, deprive us of Vitamin D. 

Deficiency of vitamin D causes several diseases like obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, cavities and gum diseases, depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s, chronic pain, and even cancer and multiple sclerosis. 


How does our body manufacture Vitamin D from sunlight?

When you receive the UVB rays from the sun, our body synthesizes vitamin D3 out of cholesterol. Every cell in our body has a vitamin D receptor. These receptors need vitamin D to perform crucial functions. This vitamin is essential for proper calcium and phosphorous absorption, which in turn is required for strong teeth, bones and normal growth.


How to ensure that you get Adequate amounts of Vitamin D?

The best way to get vitamin D naturally is by exposing your skin to sunshine. However, this may not always be possible due to external factors like smog, air pollution, cloud cover, etc. Additionally, in several parts of the world, most countries in the northern hemisphere do not receive adequate sunlight for a better portion of the year. Meaning, it becomes difficult for people in these regions to synthesize this vitamin during the long, cold winter months.

Fret not, here in today’s post; we give you a list of foods that are rich in naturally occurring vitamin D, to help you get your dose of the sunshine vitamin. 


1. Fatty Fish

This is one of the best sources of Vitamin D. Some of the popular choices include salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout, and eel. A well-portioned salmon fillet contains around 450 units of vitamin D. this makes for a good portion of the RDA of vitamin D – 600 units per day. 

And, as a bonus, you get heart-friendly omega 3 with fatty fish.

If you don’t get fresh fish in your place, worry not! You can boost your vitamin D intake by consuming canned fish too. Canned salmon and tuna are other excellent sources to supplement your Vit-D, when you can’t lay your hands on the fresh stuff. 


2. Egg Yolks

These are an easy way to add vitamin D to your diet. You can consume egg yolks for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Remember that vitamin D comes from the yolk, so it’s essential to eat whole eggs and not just the whites. 

While one yolk contains around 40 units of vitamin D, it’s not advisable to get your entire vitamin D fix just from eggs.


3. Tofu 

This is another excellent vitamin D source, especially for vegans and vegetarians. Soy-based products like Tofu and tempeh are rich in vitamin D and calcium. A 100-gram serving of tofu provides you with 39% of the RDA levels.


4. Mushrooms

Just like the human skin, certain breeds of mushroom produce vitamin D, on exposure to sunlight. Generally, mushrooms are grown in dark places. However, a few strains are now grown under ultra-violet light to boost their vitamin D levels. 

Check out if you can find vitamin D rich mushrooms near you. They are ideal for vegetarians who are looking to boost their vitamin D levels. A 3-ounce serving of a mushroom (around 1 cup of diced mushrooms) give you around 400 units of the sunshine vitamin. 


5. Milk

Today, almost all packaged milk is fortified with vitamin D. A glass of milk contains around 100 units of vitamin D while a 6-ounce serving of yogurt contains about 80 units. Lactose intolerant? Worry not; specific brands of rice and soy milk are now fortified with vitamin D. Make sure to check the label to find out.


6. Fortified Orange Juice

Not a big fan of dairy? No issues. Now, you can get your vitamin D by sipping on fortified orange juice. One glass of orange juice contains around 100 units of Vit-D. However, this amount can vary from brand to brand. Make sure to read the label, to understand if you’re getting any vitamin D and by how much.


7. Beef Liver

Though this may not be the most delicious source of vitamin D, cooked beef liver gives you adequate amounts of vitamin D along with other vital nutrients like protein, iron and vitamin A. 


8. Cod Liver Oil

These are readily available in the form of capsules. One tablespoon of cod liver oil contains around 1300 units of vitamin D, which is twice the amount recommended. 


Beware of Artificial Sources

Very often, people pop a supplement to boost their vitamin D intake. While this may seem easy, make sure that you don’t exceed the recommended levels. Too much vitamin D is toxic and does more harm than good. The upper limit for vitamin D in a day is set at 4000 units for people aged 9 and above. This includes all sources – sunlight, food, and supplements. 

So, make sure that you consult your physician before popping a pill.


The Key Takeaways

Spending time outside in the sunlight is the best way to increase your body’s production of vitamin D. However, if you’re not able to catch the sun’s rays, either due to the geography, season or any other reasons, you can boost your intake by consuming the natural food sources listed above. Eating adequate amounts of these foods ensure that you get enough of this critical nutrient.

Give your Body the Vitamin D it Needs to enjoy a Whole Array of Benefits!

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