Group Wellness
Consultation Programs
How Does It Help?

The Group Wellness Consultation Programs are run for a set of similar-minded individuals who are willing to work collectively to use Naturopathy as a means to improve their health. Over the years, these programs have enabled people to go disease-free and improve their overall health quotient through an activation of the healing capability of their own bodies. The group dynamics lend support to people who may not be determined or disciplined enough to follow a personalized approach individually.
The positive energy of the group and the inspirational compliance and results for the people who lead the way, motivates the rest to put in more of themselves and achieve more than they thought was possible. Though these programs offer results that are similar to the personalized programs, the group programs are typically not recommended for people with serious or complex health issues or significant medical history. Our Personalized Wellness Consultation Programs are a better choice in such cases.
How Is It Done?

These 3 month-long programs are offered a couple of times every year. As such they are not open for enrollment at all times. These programs also require a minimum batch size of 30 participants for the effective group dynamics to come into play. An annual calendar of these programs is published at the beginning of each year. Interested people can add their names for the next program. If the minimum required batch size of 30 is achieved, the team contacts the interested people to complete payment formalities and fill registration forms. If the required batch size is not achieved, the program is not conducted.
Once the program starts, a WhatsApp group of the registered participants is created and a weekly Naturopathy plan – covering diet, exercise routines, breathing practices, sleep routines, water intake, some simple do-it-yourself home treatments and other lifestyle choices – is posted.
The whole group follows the same plan. In case of individual health issues, specific do’s and don’ts are given to the concerned individuals. New plans are posted every week and team progress reviews are done over weekly video calls. Following the recommended guidelines over an extended period of time cleans the body, improves nutrition absorption, and leads to a significantly healthier you in a couple of months. Please note that the diets are primarily vegetarian since the body’s energy has to be freed up to focus on healing instead of excessive digestive effort.
Please note that no medicines (herbal or otherwise) are given as a part of our treatment programs. Hence, there is no question of medicinal side-effects. At the same time, we never ask anyone to stop their existing medication. Your own doctors taper off and stop your existing medications on the basis of your blood tests and other diagnostic results over a course of time. These programs can be followed in parallel to any line of treatment that a person is undergoing at a given point in time. A maintenance plan is given at the end of the treatment period. An adherence of 80% or above to the plan ensures that the health issues never resurface in the future.

How Much Does It Cost?
All Group Wellness Consultation Programs have a duration of 3 months. Since there are weekly plans given, a 3 month program consists of 13 weekly plans to be followed at home. Our team handholds you during the course of the entire program to help with the transition to a healthier way of being. The cost of a 3 month Group Wellness Consultation Program is INR 5000. The program charges are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
How Can I Enroll?
Register for our upcoming Group Wellness Programs using the link above
Our team will contact you a month before the program start to confirm enrollment
Make the payment upon enrollment confirmation
Want to discuss your case with our team first?
Fill your contact details below