
Home Remedies for Baby’s Health Issues

“The best Cures are those that are found in your Kitchen.”


Many parents often run straight to the drugstore, when their little one catches a cold, has a tummy ache or is congested. With so many over-the-counter medications available for kids and babies, parents often resort to using one, even for the slightest ailment. After all, they provide instant relief!


But there is a massive downside to this approach. The FDA has issued several warnings, and even drug recalls, stating that OTC drugs for kids are not only ineffective but also pose dangerous health effects when given to children younger than six years old. For instance, Tylenol a commonly used fever reducer is the number one cause of liver failure in the US.



But, that doesn’t mean your child has to suffer. Here, we give you a list of safe and gentle home remedies that relieve symptoms and make your child bounce back to health quicker. What more, natural remedies don’t impact the immune system, and that’s a massive plus for little ones, who are building their immunity.



Fever isn’t an ailment. Instead, it serves as a signal to indicate that something is wrong with the body. It’s the body’s natural defence mechanism against infections – the high temperature helps to kill the infection. While it’s best to let the fever run its course, here are a few ways to reduce your baby’s discomfort in the interim.


Apply a cold compress

 This is one age-old remedy that has been passed down for generations. Soak a clean, soft cloth in cold water and let it chill in the fridge for around 15 minutes. Then apply it on your baby’s forearms, neck, forehead, cheeks, and back.


Keep him hydrated

Remember that your baby needs plenty of fluids to make up for those lost due to perspiration and the high temperature. If you’re breastfeeding your baby, then make sure to feed him more frequently than usual. For older kids, give them plenty of fluids like homemade soups, freshly squeezed fruit juices, Electral, ORS, etc.


Try Vinegar

You can wipe your baby’s feet and hands with white vinegar to reduce the temperature. Better still, soak a pair of gloves and socks in vinegar and put them on your child.


Opt for Garlic Feet

Rub your baby’s soles with mashed vinegar and then wrap the feet with clean gauze to keep the garlic flavour locked in. Make sure to leave some areas of the foot uncovered while wrapping the bandage, to provide space for heat to escape.



It’s one of the most harrowing experiences of childhood. Teething can transform your toddler from a happy, all-night sleeper to a fussy, uncomfortable child, who just can’t sleep.


Here are a few home remedies to reduce the pain and discomfort:

Soothe with Ice

Place your baby’s teether in the fridge for some time and then offer it to your kid for instant relief. If you don’t use plastic teethers, just cool a clean wet washcloth in the freezer, and then give it your child to suck on it.


Frozen Treats 

Chewing on frozen foods helps to reduce the pressure on the gums, thereby alleviating the pain. Some popular choices include frozen bananas, carrots, apple slices, bagels, etc. For bigger kids, you can even offer them some homemade fruit popsicles to suck on.



Sometimes, just taking your kid’s mind off the pain works wonders. Do something fun and engaging with your toddler to distract him from the pain temporarily. 


Cold and Cough

One of the most common ailments of childhood, there are plenty of home remedies to treat the symptoms of cold and cough.


Steam it up

Run a hot shower in the bathroom and keep the door closed, to build up the steam. Take your baby into the bathroom and stay there around five to ten minutes. Repeat this three to four times a day, to loosen the phlegm. 


Elevate your baby’s head

Congestion is caused when mucus from a runny nose drops down into the throat. Keeping your baby in an upright position helps to alleviate symptoms. Use high pillows or let your baby nap in his bouncy seat or stroller.


Use a herbal rub 

Make a homemade rub by mixing a few drops of eucalyptus oil with coconut oil and dissolve a few bits of camphor in this mixture. Apply this mixture on your baby’s chest and back to relieve congestion.


Try spraying Saline Solution 

To decongest a stuffy nose, use a nasal spray to spray a few drops of saline solution, up your baby’s nose. Make sure that the saline doesn’t enter the child’s eyes, as it stings. 



One of the biggest worries for new parents, though a colicky baby may be inconsolable, there is no need to despair. Here are a few remedies to ease his pain.


Burping always works

Make sure to burp your baby after feeds to reduce gas from accumulating in the body, thereby easing pain.


Give a warm bath

 A warm bath helps to relax the intestines, thereby eliminating gas from the system.


Give a Soothing Massage

 Use your three middle fingers and massage your baby’s tummy in a gentle circular motion. You can also rub a mixture of almond oil and dill oil,(1 teaspoon each) with a few drops of lavender to relieve the pain.


Diaper Rash

While there are plenty of creams available on the market, here are a few natural solutions to reduce the itchiness. Rub coconut oil on the rash and before you wear a diaper, to prevent the rashes from reoccurring. Alternatively, breast milk to does the same. 


Diarrhoea and Vomiting

Diarrhoea is often a result of bacterial or viral infections, allergies, and food poisoning. However, sometimes the medicines you give for other illnesses like flu, cough or colds are also to blame. 


Keep your baby hydrated

Dehydration is the main worry. Make sure you replenish the fluids lost with plenty of liquids and electrolyte drinks. Give a teaspoon of ORS solution and increase the amount over time.



Give your baby a diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast to control diarrhoea. Additionally, homemade yoghurt helps to restore the good bacteria in your child’s intestines, thereby restoring digestion back to normal. 

While these home remedies are effective and help to relieve painful symptoms, consult your paediatrician if symptoms persist or continue for several days.


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