Diabetes – is no longer an alien condition. These days it can affect anybody irrespective of age, gender or genetic history. And, the numbers are dramatically alarming. India has the largest number of people (61.9 million) suffering from Diabetes Mellitus (DM) making it the diabetes capital of the world.
While India has the most number of people in the world who have Diabetes, it also has the answer to it that originated 5000 years ago in the same land; Yoga. And yoga has not only helped Indians but people from all over the world to manage diabetes and even cure it at a holistic level.
What is Diabetes and its causes?
Many people believe, diabetes causes your blood glucose levels to increase. While this is partly true, it is just the effect of the disease. You’re considered diabetic when your pancreas doesn’t function properly; thereby your body fails to produce or absorb insulin.
While Age and Genetic History play an important role in DM, the three major causes are:
- Improper Diet
- A Sedentary Lifestyle and Lack of Exercise
- Chronic Stress
How Yoga can help in the Battle against Diabetes
Yoga, derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj”(meaning to unite) is a practice of bringing together five states; Physical, Mental, Pranic, Intellectual, and Emotional state of being. Any disease including DM indicates an imbalance/lack of harmony in these states. In general, Sath Kriyas like Jala Neti, Kunjal, Tratak, and Kapalbhati help in cleaning the internal organs of the body and flushing out the toxins. Combining them with the practice of Yoga works at the root cause of the disease through bringing harmony in these states.
Effects of Yoga in Eliminating the Causes for DM
1. Improve Pancreatic Functions
Yoga works at the root level by healing the pancreas of the body responsible for insulin production. Asanas like Gomukhasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Mandukasan, help in activating the pancreas which helps in the better production of insulin in the body.
2. Reduces Stress
When your body is under stress, it releases stress hormones like Cortisol increasing blood sugar levels. Pranayamas like Ujaai and Bhastrika help in keeping stress under check by harmonising the Mental, Intellectual, and Emotional State.
3. You are What you Eat
Various studies have suggested that eating habits are directly linked to one’s mental and emotional state. The practice of yoga helps in bringing these two states in harmony.
4. A Fit Body Can Heal Itself
A fit body has the power to heal itself. And one of the chief causes of Diabetes is the sedentary lifestyle. Yoga Asanas and Pranayamas help in giving vitality and energy to the body.
Diabetes needn’t put a full stop to all the fun in your life. You can easily out-beat diabetes and take control of your life by following Yoga therapy, a balanced diet and by making few modifications to your lifestyle.
Keep Calm, Do Yoga & Beat Diabetes!
Reference Links:
- Diabetes and Metabolism: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/emphasis-of-yoga-in-the-management-of-diabetes-2155-6156-1000613.pdf
- Yoga and Diabetes: http://www.yogapoint.com/therapy/yoga_diabetes.htm
- Diabetes and Yoga: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/yoga-and-diabetes.html
- Causes of Diabetes: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-causes.html
- IDF Global Scorecard: http://www.idf.org/global-diabetes-scorecard/assets/downloads/Scorecard-29-07-14.pdf
- WHO Global Statistics: http://www.who.int/diabetes/facts/en/diabcare0504.pdf
- IDF India Scorecard: http://www.idf.org/sites/default/files/attachments/India_Scorecard.pdf
- May 2014 – India Urban / Rural: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4056139/
- May 2004: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15111519
- Jan 2014: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3920109/
- IDF India 2015: http://www.idf.org/membership/sea/india