Smita Mishra
What are people with a background in Quality Engineering and Project Management doing in Naturopathy? We are here because we found a way of life that changed us, and we want as many people as possible to benefit from it. Naturopathy is not a profession for us, but something we believe in. But we were not always like this. We were not very different from most of the people around – overworked, overweight, stressed and fatigued professionals. We tried everything in the book. You name it. We spent a fortune in popular slimming and skin care centers, used numerous diets and consumed some really strong medicines. The only thing that moved downwards was our bank balance.
Then we stumbled upon Naturopathy. It was a leap of faith for skeptics like us. The physician claimed that he could treat ovarian cyst without any medicines. How could he treat you with just food, exercise, mud, water, etc, when another doctor had put surgery as the only option available? Frankly, we went into it thinking that it couldn’t harm us and would lead to weight loss, if nothing else. We were in for a surprise – Weight down from 90 kg to 60 kg. Eyesight improved by 0.5 D (it had been constant for the past 18 years). Haemoglobin levels increased significantly. Cyst cured. Rosacea disappeared. Looking and feeling significantly younger. The first question that everybody asked when they saw us – “What did you do???” “Naturopathy”, we would say. The second question was always “What is that?”
That is when we realized that there was a huge gap in terms of education and awareness around Naturopathy. It worked wonders, but it had no buyers. You see, to sell something you have to first make people aware of its existence. Needless to say, people warned us to stay out of this professionally. But for once we wanted to listen to our heart.
Till date, we have helped over 7000 people across 21 countries transform their health and get rid of their unnecessary medication by embracing Naturopathy as a way of life. Making those conscious daily corrections in terms of diet, exercises, DIY home treatments, and lifestyle choices over the course of our online health transformation programs, repairs and revitalizes the body, its organs, and critical life processes. You look and feel significantly better than you have in as long as you can remember.
NatureHealz is our baby. Being from corporate backgrounds ourselves, we realize the challenges and hazards of modern day metropolitan living. NatureHealz is our endeavour to help you understand your body and incorporate lifestyle and dietary changes required for a healthy living. We believe our varied background and personal experience helps us bring a unique perspective to the treatment provided at NatureHealz.
We don’t expect you to believe us. We didn’t when we were in your place. The belief only comes after you experience the benefits personally. All that you need to start is the desire to make a change and an open mind.
What are people with a background in Quality Engineering and Project Management doing in Naturopathy? We are here because we found a way of life that changed us, and we want as many people to benefit from it as possible. Naturopathy is not a profession for us, but something we believe in. But we were not always like this. We were not very different from most of the people around – overworked, overweight, stressed and fatigued professionals. We tried everything in the book. You name it. We spent a fortune in popular slimming and skin care centers, used numerous diets and consumed some really strong medicines. The only thing that moved downwards was our bank balance.
Then we stumbled upon Naturopathy. It was a leap of faith for skeptics like us. The physician claimed that he could treat ovarian cyst without any medicines. How could he treat you with just food, exercise, mud, water, etc, when another doctor had put surgery as the only option available? Frankly, we went into it thinking that it couldn’t harm us and would lead to weight loss, if nothing else. We were in for a surprise – Weight down from 90 kg to 60 kg. Eyesight improved by 0.5 D (it had been constant for the past 18 years). Haemoglobin levels increased significantly. Cyst cured. Rosacea disappeared. Looking and feeling significantly younger. The first question that everybody asked when they saw us – “What did you do???” “Naturopathy”, we would say. The second question was always “What is that?”
That is when we realized that there was a huge gap in terms of education and awareness around Naturopathy. It worked wonders, but it had no buyers. You see, to sell something you have to first make people aware of its existence. Needless to say, people warned us to stay out of this professionally. But for once we wanted to listen to our heart.
NatureHealz is our baby. Being from corporate backgrounds ourselves, we realize the challenges and hazards of modern day metropolitan living. NatureHealz is our endeavour to help you understand your body and incorporate lifestyle and dietary changes required for a healthy living. We believe our varied background and personal experience helps us bring a unique perspective to the treatment provided at NatureHealz.
Till date, we have helped over 7000 people across 21 countries transform their health and get rid of their unnecessary medication by embracing Naturopathy as a way of life, from the comfort of their homes. Making those conscious daily corrections in terms of diet, exercises, DIY home treatments, and lifestyle choices over the course of our online health transformation programs, repairs and revitalizes the body, its organs, and critical life processes. You look and feel significantly better than you have in as long as you can remember.
We don’t expect you to believe us. We didn’t when we were in your place. The belief only comes after you experience the benefits personally. All that you need to start is the desire to make a change and an open mind. We hope you let us be a part of that change.