
The Incredible Health Benefits of Honey

“My son, eat thou honey, for it is good,” King Solomon, Book of Proverbs

The oldest sweetener known to mankind, honey has been a part of the human diet for millennia. In fact, several rock paintings made by our cave-dwelling ancestors depict honey harvesting thousands of years ago. 


The earliest known medical prescriptions dating back 4000 years, discovered in Sumerian clay tablets mention honey. In the land of the Pharaohs, honey was used for treating eye and skin infections as well as a natural bandage for burns and wounds. In India, honey was always an essential component of Ayurveda and Siddha medicines. 


Lucky for us, honey is one natural compound that has made through thousands of years, with its health benefits intact. In fact, it’s one superfood that must be on your kitchen shelves throughout the year. Read on to know the amazing health benefits of this liquid gold food.


1. Aids in Weight Management 

Did you know that honey helps in burning body fat, even while you’re asleep? It’s one of those miracle foods that help you slim down and get fit. Weight loss experts recommend consuming a teaspoon of honey before you sleep at night. 


Alternatively, you can also mix it with a glass of warm water and consume it the first thing in the morning to kick-start your metabolism and shed off those extra kilos. 


2. Immunity booster

Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties help you in fighting infections caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. When consumed daily, honey boosts your immunity significantly. From curing a sore throat to increasing your body’s natural resistance to other infections, honey does wonders to your immunity.


3. A Natural Beauty Regime for your Skin 

Honey acts as a natural moisturizer and nourishes your skin. Apply raw honey directly on your face, skin, and hands. Let it dry. Honey not only moisturizes your parched skin but also unclogs pores, giving you a radiant and glowing skin. A honey mask also helps you to de-tan and restore your skin tone. Apply honey on your lips during winter, to heel and prevent cracked lips. 


4. Memory booster

Honey, nature’s sweetener, not only increases your brain power and memory but also improves your overall mental well-being. It helps in reducing metabolic stress, thereby soothing and calming your brain and improving your long-term memory. 

The natural anti-oxidants in honey help in boosting your brain’s functions, thereby preventing Alzheimer’s, memory loss and other old-age diseases.


5. The Best Home Remedy for a Cough

Honey is one of the best-known home remedies to treat all types of cough. Mix a teaspoon of honey with warm water and pepper powder to reduce throat irritation and relieve the symptoms of both dry and wet cough. It’s a great remedy for kids, as it helps in reducing nocturnal cough, thereby helping them sleep comfortably, through the night.


6. Treats Dandruff & Gives you Silky, Bouncy Hair

The beauty benefits of honey don’t stop with your skin. In fact, honey is one of the best natural ways to nourish and treat your hair. Create a concoction of honey, lavender and green tea. Apply this on your hair to prevent hair fall. 

To treat dandruff, mix two tablespoons of honey with an equal amount of coconut oil and apply this mask on your hair for around 15 minutes. Rinse off with your regular shampoo, for smooth, soft hair that is free of dandruff.


7. Heals Cuts and Wounds

As honey is a natural antiseptic, it can be applied directly on cuts, bruises, wounds, and burns to quicken healing. The anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties fight against bacteria that live on your skin, healing wounds quicker.


8. Sleep Better

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Then, you should give this century-old remedy a try. Mix a few teaspoons of honey with warm milk and sip on this soothing drink before you go to bed. Honey soothes your circulatory system, helping you fall asleep quickly.


9. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Though honey is a sweetener, it’s vastly different from refined white sugar and other artificial sweeteners. The combination of naturally occurring glucose and fructose doesn’t jolt blood sugar levels, thereby keeping them in check.


10. ealthy Gums and Teeth

The anti-bacterial properties of honey make it an effective remedy for various teeth and gum diseases like bleeding, gingivitis, plaque, and others. Studies prove that honey releases an anti-septic hydrogen peroxide, which prevents the growth of bacteria in your mouth. Mix raw honey with warm water and use it as a mouthwash. Alternatively, you can also rub honey directly on your infected gums to get instant relief from inflammation and pain.


11. Balances the 5 Elements of your Body

Honey has been an integral part of Ayurvedic medicines for over 4000 years. According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of three doshas – Vata, Pita, and Kapha, which are made up of the five natural elements (water, air, fire, space, and earth). 

Honey helps in balancing these elements in your body, thereby boosting your overall health and well-being. It’s referred as “Yogavahi,” meaning it can penetrate even the deepest tissues of your body. Hence, it has been used with other natural preparations to improve their effectiveness.


12. Natural Energy Booster

Honey is a natural energy booster as the unprocessed sugars in it, enter your bloodstream giving you a boost of energy. This makes it the ideal drink during and after workouts as well as for athletics to boost performance. Mix honey with your regular drinking water and consume it, when you’re feeling tired.


A Few Words of Caution

To enjoy the maximum benefits of honey, ensure that it is pure. Raw honey contains several minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that are absent in processed honey. Also, don’t give honey to infants less than 12 months old, as it can cause infant botulism. 

When choosing honey, look for darker coloured ones as they contain more anti-oxidants. Honey has a long shelf-life when appropriately stored and doesn’t rot or spoil. Though honey is a natural sweetener, it’s still a sweetener and should be handled with care by diabetics.

Also, honey when heated beyond 108°F, transforms into a sticky glue-like substance, that is difficult to digest. Hence, to reap the best benefits of honey consume it raw. 


Honey – Nature’s Magical Cure for your Health & Well-being!


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